
Top 5 things that I like having a kid with Down syndrome

Livet rullar vidare och vi väntar fortfarande på det där samtalet som skulle komma under dagen..

För att få mina tankar på något annat så tänker jag anta en utmaning som jag hittade på en facebooksida som jag är med i , för föräldrar som har barn med ds. Utmaningen kommer från en annan ds-mammas blogg och om du läser min blogg och har ett eget barn med ds-så häng gärna på!

Top 5 Things That I Like About Having a Kid With Down Syndrome


1. It has tought me to open up my eyes and to see the small things that I hardly even ever noticed before.

2. The unconditional love that he gives me every day. I have never ever experienced a love so strong and that comes so directly from the heart. (could be, cos I never had a child before, or it could be the extra-love-chromosome, I dont know.)

3. Eyes. Blue eyes are gorgeous. There is something so... magical about them. You might not ever 'get' it until you 'get' it, but trust me. Once you 'get' it, you've 'gotten' it. Got it? (this one I stole from the other mom because I wanted to let you all know that I get it )

4. Higher understanding is my number 4. You understand that having a baby means so much more then we think. There is a bigger meaning to it all then what we see in magazines, typical baby-communitys, and so on. Your baby have a huge purpose in life and my babys purpose is to teach people to love unconditional and to always try to live in the presence.

5. My last one, is JOY.  He brings me so much joy! Everday he makes me laugh at things I don`t even think is funny, but he can make a joke in all situations. He always have a smile on his face, and he is so easy to please. He makes it very easy for me to be his mom and he makes me feel apprechiated every day!

Maybe that was more then 5, but hey, Im only human, I got carried away! ;)

So now I want to know;

What are your top 5?

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